Online registration will be available Fall 2024


All schedules are subject to change.

Typical Schedule

Arrival Schedule
12 noon–2:30 p.m. Check-In
  • Watch Orientation Video
  • Move into camp room
1–4:45 p.m. Get acquainted with Campus
  • Commons
  • Swim Center
  • Sports Center
5 & 6 p.m. Dinner & Sports Center
6:45 p.m. Team Meetings
7 p.m. Opening/Team Competition
8 p.m. Welcome & Evening Challenge
9–10:15 p.m. Recreation Time
10:45 p.m. Cabin Reflections
11 p.m. Lights Out

Typical Daily Schedule
7:15 a.m. Rise and Shine
7:30–8:45 a.m. Breakfast
9 a.m. Morning Challenge
10:25 a.m. Morning Reflections
11 a.m. & 12 noon Game Competition & Lunch
1–4:45 p.m. Recreation Time
5 & 6 p.m. Dinner & Cabin Activity
7 p.m. Evening Challenge
8:30–10:15 p.m. Recreation Time
10:45 p.m. Cabin Reflections
11 p.m. Lights Out